HTTP Status Tool

Check website HTTP status codes instantly with our free tool. Simply paste your URLs in the box below.

  • HTTP Status
  • SSL Connectivity
  • Server Latency
  • Server Info
  • Website IP Address
  • Response Header

How to Check HTTP Status Codes

Our tool makes checking HTTP status codes easy. Just follow these steps and get status codes and response headers in seconds.

  • 1

    Enter your URLs

    In input field, enter the URL of the website or webpage you want to check.

  • 2

    Click Search icon

    Click the "Search Icon" button to check HTTP Status Codes of urls.

  • 3

    View Results

    Display the HTTP status code along with response header information.

Key Features of the HTTP Status Tool

Our HTTP Status Tool offers essential web diagnostics. It checks status codes, SSL security, server performance, and more. Quickly assess and optimize your website's health.

  • HTTP status

    Check if a website is working. It shows codes that explain site issues. That helps to fix website problems quickly.

  • SSL Connectivity

    Check if the website has secure encryption. It verifies HTTPS is working as it should. It keeps your online data safe.

  • Server Latency

    Measures how fast servers respond to requests. It helps to find slow-loading sites and server problems. Having faster responses means a better user experience.

  • Server Info

    Shows the web server's name and version. It helps to identify the technology behind a website. It is helpful for developers and system administrators.

  • Website IP Address

    Shows the IP address that identifies the website on the internet. It helps to fix DNS settings and hosting issues. By reverse IP address, it can reveal hosted website information.

  • Response Header

    Display detailed info from server responses. It includes server data, content type, security headers and caching. It helps to make websites faster and safer.

List of HTTP Status Codes

Browse common HTTP status codes and their meanings. From 200 OK to 404 Not Found, understand server responses. Quick reference for web developers and site managers.

Status Code Description
(1xx) Informational Responses
100 Continue The server received the request headers and needs the request body.
101 Switching Protocols The server is switching protocols as requested.
102 Processing The server is processing the request but no response yet.
103 Early Hints The final response will include the headers provided.
(2xx) Successful Responses
200 OK The request was successful.
201 Created A new resource was created.
202 Accepted The request is accepted but not yet processed.
203 Non-Authoritative Information The response has been modified by a proxy.
204 No Content The request was successful but there is no content to send.
205 Reset Content The request was successful, and the client should reset its view.
206 Partial Content The server is delivering part of the resource.
207 Multi-Status The response contains multiple status messages.
(3xx) Redirection Messages
300 Multiple Choices There are multiple options for the resource.
301 Moved Permanently The resource has been permanently moved to a new URL.
302 Found The resource is temporarily located at a different URL.
303 See Other The resource can be found at another URL using a GET method.
304 Not Modified The resource has not changed since the last request.
305 Use Proxy The resource is only available through a proxy.
307 Temporary Redirect The request should be repeated with another URL temporarily.
308 Permanent Redirect The request should always use another URL.
(4xx) Client Error Responses
400 Bad Request The server cannot understand the request.
401 Unauthorized Authentication is needed for the request.
402 Payment Required Reserved for future use.
403 Forbidden The server refuses to authorize the request.
404 Not Found The requested resource could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed The request method is not allowed for the resource.
406 Not Acceptable The resource can only generate unacceptable content.
407 Proxy Authentication Required Authentication is needed through a proxy.
408 Request Timeout The server timed out waiting for the request.
409 Conflict The request conflicts with the current state of the server.
410 Gone The resource is no longer available.
411 Length Required The request must include the content length.
412 Precondition Failed The server does not meet a precondition in the request.
413 Payload Too Large The request is too large for the server.
414 URI Too Long The URI is too long for the server to process.
415 Unsupported Media Type The media type is not supported by the server.
416 Range Not Satisfiable The range specified cannot be fulfilled.
417 Expectation Failed The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect header.
418 I'm a Teapot The server refuses to brew coffee.
421 Misdirected Request The request was directed at the wrong server.
422 Unprocessable Entity The request was well-formed but cannot be processed.
423 Locked The resource is locked.
424 Failed Dependency The request failed due to a previous request failure.
425 Too Early The server is unwilling to process the request now.
426 Upgrade Required The client should switch to a different protocol.
428 Precondition Required The server requires conditions to be met before processing.
429 Too Many Requests Too many requests have been sent in a given time.
431 Request Header Fields Too Large The header fields are too large.
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons Access to the resource is legally restricted.
(5xx) Server Error Responses
500 Internal Server Error The server encountered an unexpected error.
501 Not Implemented The server does not support the request.
502 Bad Gateway The server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
503 Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unavailable.
504 Gateway Timeout The upstream server did not respond in time.
505 HTTP Version Not Supported The HTTP version used is not supported.
506 Variant Also Negotiates There is a configuration error on the server.
507 Insufficient Storage The server cannot store the representation needed.
508 Loop Detected The server detected an infinite loop in the request.
510 Not Extended Further extensions are needed for the server to fulfill the request.
511 Network Authentication Required The client must authenticate to gain network access.
525 SSL Handshake Failure The Cloudflare cannot establish a secure connection with the origin server.

Identify and fix website errors quickly with these codes. Ready to improve your site's performance? Check HTTP response codes, server latency, IP addresses, and more with our powerful HTTP Status tool now. Check Status


HTTP status codes are server response codes. They show if a request worked or failed. These codes are part of the HTTP system. They help you see if things went well.

There are five types of HTTP status codes:
  • (1xx) Informational Responses
  • (2xx) Successful Responses
  • (3xx) Redirection Messages
  • (4xx) Client Error Responses
  • (5xx) Server Error Responses

HTTP status code 200 means "OK." It indicates that the request was successful, and the server has returned the requested data. It is the standard response for a successful HTTP request.